그림 캐릭터들로 아이들이 흥미를 느끼며 리듬을 배울 수 있는 알프레드 어린이 드럼 교본 2입니다. 드럼뿐만 아니라 탬버린, 트라이앵글, 캐스터네츠, 젬베, 콩가 등 어떤 타악기를 사용해도 좋습니다. 책 끝부분에는 드럼셋 연주가 소개되어 있어 타악기에 더 큰 관심 있는 어린이들이 세트 드럼 연주로 자연스럽게 넘어갈 수 있습니다. 첫 페이지의 사이트 주소와 코드로 예제들의 온라인 음원을 사용할 수 있습니다.
- Contents -
Preface Acknowledgments Selecting Your Sound Source Basic Music Notation Review Getting Ready to Play Reading Music Notation Basic Playing Techniques Let’s Review the Matched Grip Introducing Tempo Signs Three-Tempo Rock Review: Skip to My Lou Skip to My Lou Introducing Dynamics My First Dynamics The Tide Rises and Falls Review: Dotted Notes Practice Warm-Up Dotted-Note Duet Sha Lee Hung Ba Review: Body Drumming Review: 2/4 Time Grasshopper Body Drumming Introducing 3/4 Time Three is for Me! Paru-Parog Bukid (Meadow Butterfly) Introducing Ties Practice Warm-Up All Tied Up Chacarera Review: Sixteenth Notes Practice Warm-Up 17 Sixteenth-Note Duet Ha-Yah-Ho Review: Trio La Bamba Body Drumming Don Simon Cajueiro Pequenino Body Drumming Introducing the Dotted Eighth and Sixteenth Note Practice Warm-Up If You’re Happy and You Know It Sho-Jo-Ji Dotted Eighth and Sixteenth-Note Duet El Rabel Body Drumming Review: 6/8 Time 6/8 Duet Tarantella Review: Improvisation Practice Warm-Up Body Drumming Introducing Four New Rhythms Arroz con Leche The Kerry Dance Body Drumming Review: Syncopation Practice Warm-Up Syncopation Duet Nobody’s Business Body Drumming - Nobody’s Business Review: Five-Line Staff Introducing Drumset Notation Practice Warm-Up Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star Practice Warm-Up Old MacDonald Had a Farm Ahg-Doom Bahg-Doom Introducing the Two-Beat Rhythm Russian Dance Body Drumming Turkey in the Straw Body Drumming Siyahamba Body Drumming Certificate of Completion Recording Credits |